Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Time to update

David here
We are currently in the Pyrenee's, the mountainous region of southern France. I have so much news to post but we have to catch a bus.

I have to go.

David Out

P.S. Bored? Read my girlfriend's blog of her Taiwan trip:

Quick note from Derek - I'm finally back in my element! The mountains are where I feel at home, and I'm looking forward to a day of hiking.


  1. have fun boys! Can't wait to hear more about your trip :D Are you really going bungee jumping!?!?

  2. Sounds like fun!! I hope you guys are having some great adventures. Ahh, the stories these experiences will become....
    I look forward to hearing how about the mountain feat goes.

  3. How can you just say "I have so much to tell you" and then just sign off - that's just rude! I'm not that patient! :)

  4. Yea... and when she's annoyed with you guys she takes it out on me since we have no dog to kick!

    Enjoy the hiking and exploring in a completely new part of the world as mountains go!

  5. So now I know what it feels like when I give my viewers that line. "So much to tell you... BUT I WONT" It really sucks.

    Maybe I'll stop doing it. XD
